
Zipped archives of Tanach books.
Determining the text version, build number and build date/time of the site.
Log of recent releases of


The Unicode/XML Leningrad Codex [UXLC] is contained in files in the Books directory having Unicode Hebrew characters with XML markup. The presented Tanach text, in all forms, is obtained from these formal electronic files. The files are formal in the following sense: Additional technical details are given in the XML files page. Hebrew text is provided by the server Server.xml to reduce download volumes.

If permitted by your browser, this site will install a "cookie" on your machine to remember the setting of the pull down lists and text input fields. This cookie is not used to gather information about you. The site operates correctly, though awkwardly, if cookies are blocked.

Zipped archives of Tanach books:

Zipped archives of Tanach books are available for a variety formats:

Format File

All zipped files have full content (accents) and contain License information. The XML files in are the basis for the Hebrew text in all other formats. Only contains book files with Documentary Hypothesis (DH) markings. HTML files are not available in an archive file and must be individually downloaded.

Determining the text version, build number and build date/time of the site:

The text version appears in square brackets in the center top label of most pages, i.e. Unicode/XML Leningrad Codex [UXLC N.M] . Generally, text versions change more slowly than site builds documented by the build number. Differences between UXLC versions are documented on the Supplements page accessible through a link on the left side of the Home page..

The build number at the bottom right of each page consists of a major build number, a decimal point (.), and a minor build number. Changes in builds are described on the Changes page. Minor changes and bug fixes are undocumented as they usually consist of corrections imperceptible to the average user.

The build date/time has the format dd mmm yyyy hh:mm, i.e. 04 Oct 2020 16:25, and appears in parentheses in the TEI headers following the build number. It is the date/time of the most recent full construction of the site. It appears on each of the 4 outputs from the Book page: XML, Text, HTML, ODT. Generally, the build date/time changes much more frequently than the text version, [UXLC N.M], or the build number, X.Y.

The length and SHA-256 hash of the file is provided below to allow validation. The smallest perturbation of any contained file will greatly change the SHA-256 hash.

Text versionUXLC 2.2
Build number27.3
Build date/time18 Oct 2024 05:59
SHA-256 hashb176728795601be6dea6fccb9ee981274ee7e3aac70b1096a47d75655d115f0e

The Previous versions page allows access to recent builds of the site. An edited log of recent releases of is also available.
