
This Hebrew bible (the Tanach) has been derived from the WLC 4.20 (25 January 2016) provided by the Groves Center and updated by suggestions from viewers through a formal and automated process (Change summary). The text is maintained in Unicode character coding with XML markup and is available in many standard formats. The Hebrew text is version controlled to provide a fixed reference for derived work. The current release is UXLC 2.1 (27.2) of 31 Mar 2024 06:58. See the Technical page for further details.

All biblical Hebrew text, in any format, may be viewed or copied without restriction (License).

Text can be rapidly accessed by providing a citation, i.e. Deut 26:5-9, in a text field or by clicking on a succession of links. Text can be displayed in a variety of formats and font sizes. Hebrew text may be highlighted, copied, and pasted into Unicode compatible applications. Books of the Torah have an option to display source markings of the Documentary Hypothesis (DH).

  • The text is available in five formats for downloading:

    Format Purpose
    XML Unicode, UTF-8 text file with XML markup. Suitable for machine processing and display. This is the root format of all texts. Tanach.xml.zip is a zipped file of all the Tanach XML files.
    Text Unicode, UTF-8 text file without markup. Readable by typical operating system editors. Tanach.txt.zip is a zipped file of all the Tanach text files.
    HTML Browser-viewable hypertext (XHTML/CSS) document. A wide range of formats can be selected. Can be easily incorporated into original web documents. HTML formatted books are not available in a zipped archive; they may be easily obtained by other methods, HTMLFiles.
    ODT Open Document (text) standard document (ODT). Compatible with modern editors, particularly the free  LibreOffice.org Writer. Convenient for individualized formating. Tanach.odt.zip is a zipped file of all the Tanach ODT files.
    PDF Portable document format document. Highly portable with consistent appearance (but not editable) with the free  Adobe Reader. Tanach.pdf.zip is a zipped file of all the Tanach PDF files.

    Additional results for a citation can be obtained in XML, Text, HTML, and ODT formats by clicking buttons at the bottom of the text page.

    Complete books in for each of these formats can be obtained by clicking on the book name in the Home page and clicking on the desired format Text, HTML, ODT, PDF, or XML in the table in the middle row of the resulting page. Zipped archives of complete books in different formats are also available. See the "Zipped archives of Tanach books" section of the Technical page or view the Servers page for general information about the servers.

  • Links to external sites are provided on each Book page. The links are keyed to the book, chapter, and verse displayed on the page and include common translations. Two particularly helpful links are to sefaria.org:

    1. "Sefaria: Color image of Leningrad Codex" directs the browser to a high-quality, color image of the Leningrad Codex page containing the displayed UXLC text. These images are the fundamental reference for the UXLC; please inform the publisher of any discrepancy between these images and the UXLC. See the LC images page for more information.
    2. "Sefaria: Miqra according to the Masorah" links to a Tanach based on the Aleppo Codex, the Leningrad Codex, and related manuscripts and which embodies the full range of relevant Masoretic scholarship. It provides a valuable counterpoint to the Leningrad Codex-only Tanach provided here. When a transcription note 'c' or 't' appears in the text, going to the "Miqra according to the Masorah" link shows how the Leningrad Codex text compares with that of the Masorah in general.
  • Files include a standard Text Encoding Initiative header (TEI) describing the text. The TEI header can be viewed by clicking on the Unicode/XML Leningrad Codex label at the top center of the Home or Book pages. The TEI header for each book includes a list of attributed text corrections provided by viewers.
Notices about the site are published on B-Hebrew: The Biblical Hebrew Forum at http://bhebrew.biblicalhumanities.org/ under "Hebrew Bible". The subject line of the notices contains the phrase "Unicode/XML Leningrad Codex".

Additional information:

Page index

Contact information

The publisher is eager to assist users and values suggestions. Proposed corrections to the Hebrew text should be sent to the publisher. See "How to suggest a text change".
